Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pecha Kucha night at the Roosevelt a huge success!

It was a complete race to the finish of course; I was literally cleaning the construction dust off the toilets while Bryan was hanging the bathroom doors & Kaos is riggin up LED lights. Our architect & Pecha Kucha host Ken Cowart has the best poker face ever!

The event had well over 100 people in attendance; all open minded creatively thinking people. Ken opened with a video from the founders in Tokyo welcoming the Tampa chapter to this world wide network. When Bryan spoke welcoming the crowd & he told them the event was entire off grid & being powered by vegetable oil the crowd erupted in cheers.

In every aspect this was a perfect opening event for us at the Roosevelt. The presentations were very intersting & new connections were made. Example - a local teacher at Plant High school said she wanted to bring her class down to get interacting with Project 3.0. So she was introduced to our intern for the Earthship - Ethan. Ethan attends a small "experiential" high school up in Ohio and he is camping on the Earthship site til March 27th on an 8 week internship. Other internships he's had include a stint in stand up comedy at the Improv; his next one is going rock climbing. He is a remarkably well rounded young man at 18 years old. You learn through life experience. Imagine that.

We also proudly welcome two new sponsors to Project 3.0:

More info on new corporate partners and business details in the next one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sponsor List grows!

We have our soft opening this upcoming Friday the 20th - the hosting of the Tampa Bay Pecha Kucha chapter. Our architect Ken is the person that established the local division of this global network of architects, urban planners, contractors and design professionals. Each presenter gets 20 slides to talk about their project; each slide moves automatically every 20 seconds. Keeps it fresh & dynamic.

Current list of Project 3.0 sponsors:
  • Plumbing supplies : Ferguson and Busto Plumbing

  • Plumbing Installation : Plumber Joe - independent plumbing company.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Green your world contest / call to videographers

The CW television network is having a "Green your World" contest. First prize is $ 10,000 & 5 finalists will get a regular vlog syndicated - something we are already planning to do.

Submissions needs to be 2 minute video explaining our idea of how we would "green our community". Deadline is 31 March 2009.

I feel we have a very good shot at winning this with both our Earthship & Project 3.0 ventures:
  • Educating the public by building demonstration models.
  • Arrangement with universities to extend college credit for our workshops - a complete camp ground including solar showers is being built on the Earthship site in Manatee county right now.
  • Full financial transparency on all costs involved.
  • Testing & implementing the most cutting edge AND COST EFFECTIVE methods from around the world.
  • Adopting these new methods into the building code - CHANGING LEGISLATION.
  • Partnering with established manufactureres & organizations in cluding non profits - extensdive global networking.
  • Turnkey financing for anyone to implement the new technologies upon completion of the project.

We are looking for a videographer team to partner up with in producing the documentary and edit existing footage. We can use this contest submission as a testing ground of our working relationship.

We will pay you a 20% royalty of all revenues from this 2 minute video.

Please contact to discuss further.