Friday, April 10, 2009

Running Free

Things are continuing to shift forward. We signed a long term deal with Joe Redner (the owner of the Roosevelt) right at the time Creative Loafing called us to schedule a photoshoot for the "Green 100" edition which comes out next week:

Bryan spoke to the reporter compiling the "Green 100" list and apparently there are more than 10 people/companies on the list of nominees that are associated with one of our projects.


I also just finished the conceptual proposal for the 26 unit development in Sarasota to be build out of shipping containers. The package can be downloaded here:

Next items on the list are:

  1. Get the place ready for Fire Marshall inspection of the Roosevelt as we are getting constant booking inquiries, not to mention our own events.
  2. Do a formal business plan for the Campus TV to raise capital.
  3. Finish watching the video footage for the first 5 pilot episodes; I'm about 65% of the way through on that. Web design is done & all copy is written.

Speaking of events; Steve / Tek-Nique Entertainment is hosting State of the Art v.2 at the Roosevelt April 25th. Check out this write in the Tampa Bay Times:

TBT article on State of the Art

Monday, April 6, 2009


The schematics for the roof have been completed by our USF Master's (Architecture) candidate Craig Trover. Chris West from is flying down from ohio to spend 2 whole days with us, getting up on our roof and setting up the installation of 3 different companies' products. These companies are CPI ( for interior (soybased) insulation, WDG for the silicone overlay for the roof and a skylight company to be announced later. The value of the average sponsorship of each company is about $ 5,000; double that including the installation they are providing.

This represents a 900% increase in sponsorship value since our first in kind contribution (about $ 500 worth of concrete from Tarmac). This is a very encouraging feeling especially since the website is not even up. The roof on the Roosevelt also represented the biggest problem to fix so this is huge. Our owner (Joe Redner) is pretty happy at this point and our relationship has now been completely solidified on this deal.

Speaking of the website; that dream is finally coming to fruition. Still going through a ton of footage; next editing session is this Thursday 9 April. We will also have Creative Loafing (local press) coming down so be watching for some interesting coverage there next week.

The collaborative on the Zenloft affordable housing development is coming together quite nicely. This will be a 26 unit community build out of shipping containers in sarasota FL. We are looking at finalizing the business arrangements between all the players this week; goal is to present the owner with a proposal for the project this Friday.