Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As I look back at this blog I see almost 2 months have gone by since the last blog entry. It is an overwhelming task to juggle both the physical real estate projects & keeping the the social media presence up to date. Nevertheless, we are getting 1:40 on Fox 13 News tonight & I can't very well have the last blog entry saying I'm not interested in continueing the blog component. LOL

If you are new to this blog & are reading this because you saw this story on the news, allow me to briefly catch you up to speed.

Project 3.0 is a play on words of the term "web 2.0" taken to the next level. When the internet was first launched, this era was referred to as "web 1.0" meaning the flow of information on the net goes one way - people either store or retrieve information. The era we live in now is referred to as 'web 2.0" meaning the internet is being used as a medium for collaboration / crowdsourcing. The most common example is wikipedia - the online encyclopedia that in a few short years became the # 8 site in the world with all of its content user-generated (crowdsourced).

The goal of the Campus TV is to utilize the free web 2.0 infrastructure to connect people, ideas & projects to be executed in a fully transparent business model. The driving force of the Campus TV will be the Project 3.0 show where we put this philosophy in action. the central theme of the show revolves around the zero energy conversion of a 104 year old historic building using crowdsourcing at its core. By zero energy conversion we mean taking an abandoned brick shell & building it out to a fully functioning building that is completely self sustaining - a net energy consumption of zero.

The project was started about 9 months ago now by 3 people : Rudy Arnauts - the writer of this blog & the concept guy, Bryan Roberts - a general contractor with extensive experience in cutting edge "green" construction & Steve Francois - a musician/events promoter/artist manager. The conventional construction budget to build out this building (which I have seen as estimated for a potential buyer of the property) is over $ 300,000.

We took this project on with no financial resources whatsoever. At times progress was held up by items as menial as not being able to buy a $ 20 bucket of paint. The way we have been able to accomplish everything on this buildout has been through sponsorships of materials & joint ventures of people with a wide variety of skills. The sponsors are receiving publicity in exchange of their contributions. The idea is that this diverse team - which ranges from dynamic young 16 year old artists to 70 year old engineers - moves forward and executes projects together.

In 9 short months 3 guys with no money have gone from a dead start to having a million dollar building on the verge of a Grand Opening, have changed the building code through our sister project (Florida's first earthship) and are about to announce a major affordable housing development unlike any other in the very near future. Our core team has grown to well over 40 people.

We have been filming everything from the very beginning & are about to release this footage as a show. We will not hide our mistakes. Everything will be completely financially transparent.

The show will educate through demonstration and is meant to encourage participation from the viewer. The first 5-6 episodes will summarize our journey thusfar & then the show will continue in real time.

3.0 Musketeers with Cynthia Smoot Fox 13 News.