Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Completion of Phase One.

well here we are & another 2.5 months have passed since the last blog entry; not exactly the up-to-the minute web 2.0 platform I'm aiming for....:-)

The stark reality of it all is that this has been the hardest endeavor I've ever undertaken and I know I speak for my partners Steve & Bryan as well. Nobody is complaining because with great effort / risk comes great reward. That being said, as much as we all preach the importance of a strong, positive mindset eventually we all have our moments. This last month was particularly hard for me. When in the midst of a struggle you sometimes tend to forget how far you've come. Everybody at some point looks at the glass as half empty. It's almost like the immediate situation kind of closes in on you and you become accustomed to thinking on this smaller level.

The flipside of that is that with a strong team of like minded people you support each other and push through that. The great blessing of this process is that you form bonds that are unbreakable under these circumstances. One of the absolute best books out there on the new business paradigm we are embarking upon here is "the Culting of Brands" by Doug Atkin. The book describes traits shared by companies that develop a fanatical "cult-like" following. "Cult-like" can be defined as customers preaching the brand gospel to others without getting compensated for it. Apple computers is a real good example.

The culting of Brands in 2.5 minutes:

One of the backbones of companies such as these is "a story of almost mythical proportions". As much of a struggle as this has been, the filming of everything from the beginning pretty much is that. In one short (or long - depending what day it is:-)) year we have gone from 3 guys with an idea to having a prime commercial space finally about to open with no rent, a ground breaking precedent in the Florida construction code to allow alternative engineering, an interdisciplinary team of 50+ people ranging from startups to multinationals & a 50/50 joint venture with one of the most influential & wealthy people in the state about to introduce a new real estate development concept with truly global potential.

The Project 3.0 show is finally in production and will be released within the next 7-10 days. Several syndication agreements are in the serious discussion stages. The Roosevelt has secured everything we need to officially open up & this monthlong event is being planned as we speak. The earthship will be dried in in another 30 days & a major event is being planned for that as well. All three of our projects will be interlinked through this official unveiling of the completion of phase one of the campus TV journey.

and a major announcement with the shipping container housing concept will be the crowning touch to all of the above.

We are in the process of shifting gears in a major way and are officially about to come out to the world with everything.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As I look back at this blog I see almost 2 months have gone by since the last blog entry. It is an overwhelming task to juggle both the physical real estate projects & keeping the the social media presence up to date. Nevertheless, we are getting 1:40 on Fox 13 News tonight & I can't very well have the last blog entry saying I'm not interested in continueing the blog component. LOL

If you are new to this blog & are reading this because you saw this story on the news, allow me to briefly catch you up to speed.

Project 3.0 is a play on words of the term "web 2.0" taken to the next level. When the internet was first launched, this era was referred to as "web 1.0" meaning the flow of information on the net goes one way - people either store or retrieve information. The era we live in now is referred to as 'web 2.0" meaning the internet is being used as a medium for collaboration / crowdsourcing. The most common example is wikipedia - the online encyclopedia that in a few short years became the # 8 site in the world with all of its content user-generated (crowdsourced).

The goal of the Campus TV is to utilize the free web 2.0 infrastructure to connect people, ideas & projects to be executed in a fully transparent business model. The driving force of the Campus TV will be the Project 3.0 show where we put this philosophy in action. the central theme of the show revolves around the zero energy conversion of a 104 year old historic building using crowdsourcing at its core. By zero energy conversion we mean taking an abandoned brick shell & building it out to a fully functioning building that is completely self sustaining - a net energy consumption of zero.

The project was started about 9 months ago now by 3 people : Rudy Arnauts - the writer of this blog & the concept guy, Bryan Roberts - a general contractor with extensive experience in cutting edge "green" construction & Steve Francois - a musician/events promoter/artist manager. The conventional construction budget to build out this building (which I have seen as estimated for a potential buyer of the property) is over $ 300,000.

We took this project on with no financial resources whatsoever. At times progress was held up by items as menial as not being able to buy a $ 20 bucket of paint. The way we have been able to accomplish everything on this buildout has been through sponsorships of materials & joint ventures of people with a wide variety of skills. The sponsors are receiving publicity in exchange of their contributions. The idea is that this diverse team - which ranges from dynamic young 16 year old artists to 70 year old engineers - moves forward and executes projects together.

In 9 short months 3 guys with no money have gone from a dead start to having a million dollar building on the verge of a Grand Opening, have changed the building code through our sister project (Florida's first earthship) and are about to announce a major affordable housing development unlike any other in the very near future. Our core team has grown to well over 40 people.

We have been filming everything from the very beginning & are about to release this footage as a show. We will not hide our mistakes. Everything will be completely financially transparent.

The show will educate through demonstration and is meant to encourage participation from the viewer. The first 5-6 episodes will summarize our journey thusfar & then the show will continue in real time.

3.0 Musketeers with Cynthia Smoot Fox 13 News.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blogging blah're heart's either in it or not. I'm not a writer. I try to keep up on the blog with what's going on but I am too busy and excited just from dealing with the reality of it all. Writing about it is a chore.
A tremendous amount of things have happened. You're probably going to have to wait for the videos to get released to find out.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Running Free

Things are continuing to shift forward. We signed a long term deal with Joe Redner (the owner of the Roosevelt) right at the time Creative Loafing called us to schedule a photoshoot for the "Green 100" edition which comes out next week:

Bryan spoke to the reporter compiling the "Green 100" list and apparently there are more than 10 people/companies on the list of nominees that are associated with one of our projects.


I also just finished the conceptual proposal for the 26 unit development in Sarasota to be build out of shipping containers. The package can be downloaded here:

Next items on the list are:

  1. Get the place ready for Fire Marshall inspection of the Roosevelt as we are getting constant booking inquiries, not to mention our own events.
  2. Do a formal business plan for the Campus TV to raise capital.
  3. Finish watching the video footage for the first 5 pilot episodes; I'm about 65% of the way through on that. Web design is done & all copy is written.

Speaking of events; Steve / Tek-Nique Entertainment is hosting State of the Art v.2 at the Roosevelt April 25th. Check out this write in the Tampa Bay Times:

TBT article on State of the Art

Monday, April 6, 2009


The schematics for the roof have been completed by our USF Master's (Architecture) candidate Craig Trover. Chris West from is flying down from ohio to spend 2 whole days with us, getting up on our roof and setting up the installation of 3 different companies' products. These companies are CPI ( for interior (soybased) insulation, WDG for the silicone overlay for the roof and a skylight company to be announced later. The value of the average sponsorship of each company is about $ 5,000; double that including the installation they are providing.

This represents a 900% increase in sponsorship value since our first in kind contribution (about $ 500 worth of concrete from Tarmac). This is a very encouraging feeling especially since the website is not even up. The roof on the Roosevelt also represented the biggest problem to fix so this is huge. Our owner (Joe Redner) is pretty happy at this point and our relationship has now been completely solidified on this deal.

Speaking of the website; that dream is finally coming to fruition. Still going through a ton of footage; next editing session is this Thursday 9 April. We will also have Creative Loafing (local press) coming down so be watching for some interesting coverage there next week.

The collaborative on the Zenloft affordable housing development is coming together quite nicely. This will be a 26 unit community build out of shipping containers in sarasota FL. We are looking at finalizing the business arrangements between all the players this week; goal is to present the owner with a proposal for the project this Friday.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Finish line in sight

I feel like a slacker somewhat with these sporadic updates on the blog; I know successful blogs are supposed to get updated daily... Truth is maintaining all the social media aspects of this venture - even at this early stage - is like another full time job. As everyone knows; this entire effort is being put together without any financial backing. In every aspect this is really a blessing. If you're launching a concept that says (a) you can do anything & (b) the conventional way of doing things is so broken that a complete overhaul is necessary, then this is perfect. We're launching several real estate development projects in a time that most people will concede is the worst in 100 years for the real estate industry.


The Roosevelt has been transformed with the application of the waterbased stain; it is starting to look like a real venue now.

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

We also secured two more sponsors for the next phase of the Roosevelt buildout - the construction of the green roof:

We did meet with Mr. Vengroff (see previous blog) at the earthship site and it was certainly an intersting & productive meeting. Suffice it to say we are doing due diligence on a project right now - details to be released in the near future. Affordable shipping container residential & commercial construction.

Bryan also just received a call from Michael Reynolds - the original earthship builder - about building a second one in Florida. That means we are dealing with the two pioneers on the ground up construction methods we are working on - Mr. Reynolds on earthships & David Cross on shipping container construction. The business models of all our efforts are unfolding.

Oh yeah - and the Campus TV destination site template is finished. I'm writing the copy for it now. Sunday I'll be spending all day looking at video footage from the past 5 months with the video editor to put together the first 5 episodes. The idea is to have the first 5 episodes summarize everything that has taken place so far & by the 6th one the show will continue in real time.

The Campus TV is finally about to launch.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Transformation coming up!

We spend Sunday prepping the concrete floor getting it ready for the stain to be applied Wednesday. This will transform the place for a construction zone to kick ass venue space. Got some very cool impromptu artistry on tape that will make for a great commercial down the road. Pix of that to be posted in the next 24.

Just secured another sponsor this morning as well : One Call Construction. They will be helping us with anything electrical on the project and first off provide all required paperwork to TECO for our account to be opened up - another milestone forward. The owners of this company also have a registred non profit Hurricane Boxing.
The synergy here is already obvious - we will host a fundraiser for the boxing gym; a wonderful facility which the Velez family funds mostly out of their own pockets. The facility has provided structure to at risk youth in the neighborhood for years. It also fits in perfectly with our Budokan concept : a martial arts school which teaches multiple styles without politics. Kids will be required to do 15-20 hours of supervised community service in exchange for instruction. Business synergy abound here as well; there are already a couple of projects where we may be able to work together with this company. For example we may get an 8,000 concrete sealer job out of this & One Call is very interested in learning how to 'green out' their 5 licensed businesses. Will Velez - the owner - will meet Bryan on Wednesday.

Another interesting development : one of the students on the earthship site led us to this news article : Vengroff article. What we have in common here is the realization that these economic times call for a different way of thinking & doing things. so I contacted Mr. Vengroff & send him our latest marketing package. At the very least we can ensure the operational expenses of the real estate he plans to build are as cost efficient as possible.

Looks like we'll be meeting him on the earthship site next week.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Every step we take

The new concrete stain is getting delivered in the morning. It was going to cost $ 150 to UPS the product from Georgia for Saturday delivery...but a rep from the factory just happens to be driving down to take his kids to Busch Gardens. Stars lining up. Just spoke with this guy on the phone & he's 100% excited. That kind of enthousiasm is very contageous and encouraging.

Already another potential synergy is surfacing - they apparently are also working a stucco finish for metal surfaces. It is currently being tested on...a shipping container! We have been working on several affordable shipping container house designs with several architects in our network. There are also several deals in that line of business under discussion that will be catalyzed by the Roosevelt deal. Shipping container construction we are aiming to begin in the summer.

Shelby McIntyre, the producer of the Redner documentary, has hooked us up with a friend of his that is in the process of downloading all our existing footage (still). Finger Monkey Productions is on board!! It amounts to the equivalent of almost 30 CD's of material. We mapped out a release schedule for the first 5 episodes yesterday. The idea is to release these 5 and have the show pick up in real time by the 6th.

The next level of construction will be focusing on the we are finalizing everything on the soy based insulation. Looks like the tech specs that Bryan has for the way he wants to install it will work according to the factory guys. It is usually put inside of walls or celings. Bryan wants to put it on top of the roof as a basis for the green roof. This will have to be co-ordinated with a whole host of other activities like getting architectural elevations, structural engineering analysis, cutting skylight openings and renting a crane - just to name a few. This adds a level of complication as all these will have to be sponsored & synchronized accordingly. So far, every contribution has been a "one at a time" type of application.

Those are sponsorships to be persued next week.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Critical Mass

We just secured our biggest sponsor yet - Tampa Electric Company. This is a huge boost in terms of credibility & publicity. TECO has gotten quite alot of backlash from the 25% rate hike (which has since been rolled back as fuel costs have lowered). We will be working together with the utility & their net metering program as we plan to sell power back into the grid:


We also secured a green (water based) acid stain company for that finish on our concrete floor we just can't wait to do...

A sponsorship agreement with a soy based insulation company is all but finalized & is expected to be announced this week coming up. We will be using this product on top of the roof as insulation & basis for our green (food producing) roof.
Lastly, we attended the world premiere of "Strip Club King - the Joe Redner story" last night @ Channelside. Joe has been a most gracious landlord / sponsor in this deal. For those that aren't aware; he is the owner of the Roosevelt building in Ybor. He told us he loves the weekly updates we send him & we love him for giving us the shot to begin with.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In between 2nd & 3rd gear.

I would say pulling off Pecha Kucha was an official shfting to 2nd gear for sure. Taking the building from Brooklyn warehouse style Heavy Metal BBQ to the hosting of that event is a definite, measurable progression.

We turned major corners in the past couple of days. We just secured TECO (Tampa Electric Co. for all you foreigners :-) as an official sponsor. In a lot of ways, one could argue TECO is the enemy of a zero energy project such as ours. The fact they are officially getting behind what we are doing lends a great deal of credibility to us and is bound to accelerate sponsorship involvement. We will be promoting TECO's net metering plan where we sell power back to the grid and will feature an interview with a TECO official in the documentary.

We had a very positive article come out in the TBT last Friday : Project 3.0 in TBT.

We finished the rest of the concrete installation for the main floor last Saturday. We even had 3 volunteers from Tarmac - the sponsoring concrete company - help us out! We have very good prospects in the pipeline for the water-based (green) acid stain; my main prospect has been featured on the TV show "flip that house".

Take a look at the latest photos : Latest Project 3.0 pix.

Shelby MacIntyre - one of the producer of the documentary on Joe Redner's life - has agreed to get involved in the production of the documentary. He's going to edit our existing footage to date & produce at least 4 episodes cued up. We will be releasing these weekly starting in the next 30 days. The idea is that within 6 episodes the show carries on in real time.

The official destination site for the Campus TV - is currently under construction by a 4 person team of the International Academy of Design. We are expecting to go live with our content within the next 30 days.

Enclosed you will find the latest marketing package on Project 3.0 that sums where we are at right now. This is what I am hitting the next round of sponsors with. When you go to the sponsorship page in the proposal you can click on the sponsor logos to learn more about the companies already involved

Project 3.0 Marketing download.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pecha Kucha night at the Roosevelt a huge success!

It was a complete race to the finish of course; I was literally cleaning the construction dust off the toilets while Bryan was hanging the bathroom doors & Kaos is riggin up LED lights. Our architect & Pecha Kucha host Ken Cowart has the best poker face ever!

The event had well over 100 people in attendance; all open minded creatively thinking people. Ken opened with a video from the founders in Tokyo welcoming the Tampa chapter to this world wide network. When Bryan spoke welcoming the crowd & he told them the event was entire off grid & being powered by vegetable oil the crowd erupted in cheers.

In every aspect this was a perfect opening event for us at the Roosevelt. The presentations were very intersting & new connections were made. Example - a local teacher at Plant High school said she wanted to bring her class down to get interacting with Project 3.0. So she was introduced to our intern for the Earthship - Ethan. Ethan attends a small "experiential" high school up in Ohio and he is camping on the Earthship site til March 27th on an 8 week internship. Other internships he's had include a stint in stand up comedy at the Improv; his next one is going rock climbing. He is a remarkably well rounded young man at 18 years old. You learn through life experience. Imagine that.

We also proudly welcome two new sponsors to Project 3.0:

More info on new corporate partners and business details in the next one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sponsor List grows!

We have our soft opening this upcoming Friday the 20th - the hosting of the Tampa Bay Pecha Kucha chapter. Our architect Ken is the person that established the local division of this global network of architects, urban planners, contractors and design professionals. Each presenter gets 20 slides to talk about their project; each slide moves automatically every 20 seconds. Keeps it fresh & dynamic.

Current list of Project 3.0 sponsors:
  • Plumbing supplies : Ferguson and Busto Plumbing

  • Plumbing Installation : Plumber Joe - independent plumbing company.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Green your world contest / call to videographers

The CW television network is having a "Green your World" contest. First prize is $ 10,000 & 5 finalists will get a regular vlog syndicated - something we are already planning to do.

Submissions needs to be 2 minute video explaining our idea of how we would "green our community". Deadline is 31 March 2009.

I feel we have a very good shot at winning this with both our Earthship & Project 3.0 ventures:
  • Educating the public by building demonstration models.
  • Arrangement with universities to extend college credit for our workshops - a complete camp ground including solar showers is being built on the Earthship site in Manatee county right now.
  • Full financial transparency on all costs involved.
  • Testing & implementing the most cutting edge AND COST EFFECTIVE methods from around the world.
  • Adopting these new methods into the building code - CHANGING LEGISLATION.
  • Partnering with established manufactureres & organizations in cluding non profits - extensdive global networking.
  • Turnkey financing for anyone to implement the new technologies upon completion of the project.

We are looking for a videographer team to partner up with in producing the documentary and edit existing footage. We can use this contest submission as a testing ground of our working relationship.

We will pay you a 20% royalty of all revenues from this 2 minute video.

Please contact to discuss further.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Roosevelt Grand Opening in sight!

Once again - sorry about the long radio silence; everybody is running around doing 20 different tasks. It is my intent to update this blog daily as things get situated.

Our current focus is on having the Roosevelt completely open and functional by the third week in February. We already have our first event scheduled for February 20th - Pecha Kucha Tampa Bay. Pecha Kucha is a global network of architects and real estate design professionals. Each presenter gets 20 slides to showcase their project and each slide automatically moves every 20 seconds. This keeps it short, dynamic & interesting.

Our current focus is on attracting like-minded tenants to sublease the space from us. A leasing proposal can be downloaded here:

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Sorry 'bout the long radio silence; we've been dealing with a range of pressing issues that are immediately in front of us. Bryan & I are doing all the physical work ourselves - which is clearly inefficient. for example; we have over 1,000 volunteers registred for the earthship project. The focus now is shifting towards organization and mobilization of all the assets - like our volunteer base - into a structured whole.

I will be concentrating this upcoming week on structuring that foundation. We have everything covered as far as the phyical real estate development components are concerned. We are dealing with individuals & companies from around the world and have some very interesting stuff lined up for this project; some of it completely experimental. That in itself is a serious task. In addition to that we are filming an ongoing documentary and trying to launch a detination website to carry that content. On top of that we are involved in several other projects that are much larger that are currently in the planning stages - meaning lots of additional work now for income way down the road.

The irony in launching an open source project is that it feels very counter-intuitive to let go. But the reality is that we have to. We simple can't do everything. Bryan needs to focus on communicating with and funneling information from these cutting edge technologies from around the world into this project. I need to focus on structuring the business relationships & promotional aspects around these deals. Everything else we need to pull in participating entities thatr share in the royalties/revenues generated through that partticipation with complete financial transparency. This, after all, is the original concept.

An example of this - approach a university film school depatrtment to assist with the documentary. It certainly is an interesting enough topic for a group of grad students to put on their resume/thesis. a lot of views = sponsorship dollars, which we would share with the participating partner and openly disclose those numbers on our website. The emerging & evolving collaboration is the real story.

We also need to approach the colleges of business, engineering & architecture at USF with similar presentations. Anyone reading this that feels they can contribute or have a suggestion - feel free to jump in.

It's time let go and release it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Close One.

We've been doin all our work on the Roosevelt with an early start permit. This basically enables us to start the work as long as we don't cover up anything. For example we can put in our plumbing but we must leave one side of the bathroom wall exposed (without sheetrock). Clearly the first step towards being able to utilize a raw space is to have a functioning male and female bathroom. Power can be provided temporarily by our diesel generator which Bryan converted to run on vegetable oil.

Today was very touch and go as Bryan & I went down to the City of Tampa building department to pick up our final building permit for our first buildout phase. Essentially the building department was telling us that this permit in itself can't really be looked at without taking into account the complete buildout picture. The biggest stumbling block was the fact that we are not hooking up to TECO (Tampa Electric Co) and that this triggers a whole range of issues.

Quite a lot of components that we will be implementing in this project are experimental and therefore they do not fall within a certain "box" the building department can wrap their head around. In addition to that, we can't really submit a final design for the complete development of the project because we simply don't know yet what that will look like. We are quite capable of building out this structure off-grid completely by ourselves but one of the main goals of this project is to attract new / better technologies to be implemented and there's obviously no way to predict what those may be. The world's first Web 2.0 real estate development.

The other part to this is that we are making it a point to go through all the proper channels to accomplish this. The goal is to change the way things are being done and therefore we must be able to get the proper approvals from the government agencies that regulate the very things we are seeking to impact.

Luckily the building officials are on our side. After thinking for about 45 minutes that the entire project would ground to a halt, a creative solution came up. Even though we don't need to hook up to the local grid, doing so will eliminate a whole hosts of problems. In other words we get the power hooked up with TECO even though we won't be using it and that satisfies building code. Then when we build an alternative method of power generation (among other things) we can get this engineering inspected and the goal is to get that adopted into code. The project moves forward without delay.

One more problem with that - TECO want a $ 1,600 deposit. That tells you that the average electric bill for a 5,400 sq.ft building in Tampa is $ 1,600 - and those rates just went up 25% this month. So $ 2,000 a month. To put that in perspective; a $ 2,000 a month payment at 6.5% interest on a 30 year mortgage finances $ 316,421.64. What we will demonstrate is that this expense can be eliminated for far less than that amount and we will package this conversion with turnkey financing. Green this and green that is great but in the end the only way to affect massive change is to make it a financial no brainer.

The one big exception on that deposit requirement is non-profits; they have no deposit requirements. Even though our business is for profit, we also have a significant nonprofit compoonent to our overal business plan & we are connected to several large and small nonprofits so we will be approaching them on getting the account set up. This further solidifies the team & useage of the building.

and onwards we go.

PS: Bryan got his final building permit for the Manatee County Earthship project TODAY. Took 9 months but now the precedent has been set and the State building code has been amended as a direct result of Bryan's efforts and determination. Congrats Bryan; we're proud of you man.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


As I sit here on the balcony of the Roosevelt I reflect on the Chinese expression that "Chaos creates a Dangerous Opportunity". Chaos Theory is a discipline in mathematics that revolves around the concept that every system - no matter how chaotic - has underlying patterns of order.

There certainly swirls a tremendous amount of chaos around this project and this applies not only to the project itself but also to the personal circumstances of all involved. In a lot of ways it is the perfect backdrop for something like this to even materialize in the first place. Shifts never occur in comfort zones. Just one example - a good friend of mine's house burned to the ground a couple of weeks ago; he came within minutes of losing his life. There are a number of intertwined events surrounding this seemingly tragic event that may end up presenting themselves as golden opportunities. This will become apparent as it unfolds; everything is being filmed as it happens. Our goal right now is to launch the episodes on a weekly basis by the end of this month.

The concept of synchronicity and how these people and events are connecting is an evolving central component of Project 3.0 as it unfolds. That show will be called "Law of Attraction in Action".

The other two shows in production currently are "Project 3.0" - which will focus mainly on the technical and entrepreneurial elements & "On a Heavier Note" - which will feature empowering positive information through an extreme music platform.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Heavy Metal BBQ ROCKED!

Very happy to say that the event was a big smash. We managed to power all lights and sound with about half of a 6 gallon tank of used vegetable oil funneled through a diesel generator converted by Bryan.

Major thanks to everyone that showed up; we had a turnout of about 150 people. Huge props to O' Youth and Beauty that drove all the way from Dublin to perform. After their set the local Tampa boys of Sins of the Father knocked out an impromptu set of their classic shredder style metal. DJ Kaos & DJ Nemesis spun some heavy molten metal ear candy!
Support these fine artists; add them if you haven't already and together we march on:

We have an enrormous amount of content from this event; 6 cameras were rolling at all times. We are just now starting to catch up with all the other footage that we have; an ongoing documentary of the evolution of Project 3.0 has been filmed on an ongoing basis for the past year.

Content from the Heavy Metal BBQ will be edited for the Campus TV show "On a Heavier Note" in which we will broadcast empowering information about the sustainable lifestyle with a fist full of metal punch. We are all about uniting the extremes and doing things in a fun unconventional yet effective way.

Many great contacts were also made at the event, notably the web techies now seem to be coming to the table. Stay tuned and hopefully all our efforts will be online in TV broadcast format soon.

This will only be the beginning we've been working towards.

Event pictures:

If you have pix of the event, please feel free to add them to the Facebook & Flickr pages. The Flickr just got set up so at the time of this writing there's not much up there yet. We are building our presence on the existing web social networking infrastructure now. Everyone is wearing 5 hats and doing this under enormous pressures of all kinds imaginable.

Web techies wherefore art thou!?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Down to the wire

Yesterday was a very hectic day scrambling to get ready for the BBQ. Bryan & Rudy took apart the temporary walls from a previous art show, recycled the 2 X 4's and framed up the bathrooms & hung the sheetrock.

The biggest curveball was the Friendly Plumber - the company that for weeks has agreed to provide 2 commodes and the labor to install them. Long story short - they left us hanging at the last minute.

One of our contacts in the entertainment game stopped by; a friend of Steve (Francois with Tek-Nique Entertainment) named Britt. At the height of frustration this guy shows up and I just threw out "hey man you know any plumbers!?". As it turns out one of his best friends is a plumber - a guy named Joe! A call was made on the spot....Mad props to Joe the plumber for saving the day. This guy came over on New Years eve and made sure we had at least a working toilet hooked up for the BBQ today.

The ironic twist is that this guy used to work for the Friendly Plumber. Turns out Joe doesn't even have business cards so Isaiah (with Boundless Creativity - our graphics guy on the team) is full throttle on getting Joe the Plumber a company identity. Everything is unfolding the way it's supposed to. Bonds created under this type of pressure and circumstances will be unbreakable. We have a plumber on the team now.

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Joe the REAL plumber saves the day on New Year's eve!!

Thanks again Joe for saving our ass.

Our interns Jason & Russell have officially been promoted to full team members. They came back in from Georgia and brought the band with them - O' Youth and Beauty.

Check 'em out:

Russell & Jason have been doing a great job printing business cards, flyers, bringing in the band among many other things. The iniative these guys are showing is fabulous. If this sounds like something you'd like to be apart of - come join us. Dreams come Through baby.

Cya @ the BBQ!