Saturday, January 17, 2009


Sorry 'bout the long radio silence; we've been dealing with a range of pressing issues that are immediately in front of us. Bryan & I are doing all the physical work ourselves - which is clearly inefficient. for example; we have over 1,000 volunteers registred for the earthship project. The focus now is shifting towards organization and mobilization of all the assets - like our volunteer base - into a structured whole.

I will be concentrating this upcoming week on structuring that foundation. We have everything covered as far as the phyical real estate development components are concerned. We are dealing with individuals & companies from around the world and have some very interesting stuff lined up for this project; some of it completely experimental. That in itself is a serious task. In addition to that we are filming an ongoing documentary and trying to launch a detination website to carry that content. On top of that we are involved in several other projects that are much larger that are currently in the planning stages - meaning lots of additional work now for income way down the road.

The irony in launching an open source project is that it feels very counter-intuitive to let go. But the reality is that we have to. We simple can't do everything. Bryan needs to focus on communicating with and funneling information from these cutting edge technologies from around the world into this project. I need to focus on structuring the business relationships & promotional aspects around these deals. Everything else we need to pull in participating entities thatr share in the royalties/revenues generated through that partticipation with complete financial transparency. This, after all, is the original concept.

An example of this - approach a university film school depatrtment to assist with the documentary. It certainly is an interesting enough topic for a group of grad students to put on their resume/thesis. a lot of views = sponsorship dollars, which we would share with the participating partner and openly disclose those numbers on our website. The emerging & evolving collaboration is the real story.

We also need to approach the colleges of business, engineering & architecture at USF with similar presentations. Anyone reading this that feels they can contribute or have a suggestion - feel free to jump in.

It's time let go and release it.

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